Monday 14 July 2008

A quotation from the program for the NT's production of Simon Stephens' Harper Regan (an atrocious play that I walked out of in the interval...)

"The more we are registered on surveillance systems, captured on real-time monitors, the less we are here. Ghost selves performing their mimes - walking, driving, standing on escalators - are tranquilised zombies or potential threats. Are those young men, waiting on the platform, backpackers or untriggered explosive devices? If you challenge this microclimate of sub-erotic voyeurism, by lifting a camera, you are suspect. How many times have I been hassled for the treasonable act of photographing cameras that are photographing me? How many times, beside perimiter fences, by cargo sheds, on private golf courses, have I been pulled over by an unmarked car. 'Don't you know there's a war on?'"

© Iain Sinclair

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